how to use communication in getting a job??
~it's simple.....At every opportunity, step up to the plate, speak up in an authoritative voice, and present a message that’s clear and communicates your firm belief in it. Such directness and clarity can be half the battle in your goal to getting ahead.
Manage Your Emotions To Succeed
When something does not go as you expected, and you begin to feel anxious, it helps to understand, that is part of the package. The most seasoned professional in the world still feels anxious, at times, just like the most seasoned opera singer or matinee idol still feels stage fright; the trick is to keep it under control.
A big part of achieving success is learning to manage your own emotions. We all have "hot buttons" which can lead us to feel anxiety, anger or even burn-out. Learning to be sensitive to our own feelings, to problem solve in order to analyze the surrounding situation and develop alternative responses, will allow us to redirect our emotions in a positive, constructive way which fosters success.
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